June 2011

The Secrets of Multi-Treatment Intervention

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by jalderson on June 26, 2011

Current research supports the idea that the factors contributing to the behaviour, communication and learning challenges of people on the autism spectrum are multifaceted; Therefore, I believe, treatment should be multi-faceted as well. Treatments such as Applied Behavioural Analysis and special diets are important and can contribute to positive development but they are simply not […]

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Fact: You act differently when you feel differently. If you’re like most people, you’ll drive a car differently when you’re upset than when you’re happy. You’re tone of voice will sound less friendly when you’re impatient than when you’re grateful. Bottom line, your attitude impacts your behavior. How you feel changes how you act. So […]


This morning during a training session with therapists, I led a discussion about the nuances of teaching “eye contact” to our autistic student. We came to three important conclusions: 1) Eye contact should not be so narrowly defined as only eye-to-eye contact.


First, Prioritize Being Social

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by jalderson on June 20, 2011

If you’re going to teach a child social skills like how to make friends then you need to think about how you yourself make and keep friends. Really, think about it. When I start working with a family with an autistic child, we first have a discussion about what it means to be social: “How […]

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